is for Angels
With halos so bright
Whose carols were heard
On that first Christmas Night

is for Bells
So merrily ringing
Joy to the world
Is the message they're bringing

is for Candles
That so brightly shine
To give a warm welcome
To your friends and mine

is for Doorway
With garlands of green
To make Christmas merry
As far as they're seen

is for Evergreens
With fragrance so rare
So plentiful at Christmas
Their scent fills the air

is for Fun
The whole season long
From trimming the tree
To singing a song

is for Greetings
A merry "hello"
With a heart full of love
For people we know

is for Holly
With berries so red
To make into wreaths
To hang overhead

is for Ice
On snow covered hills
Where sledding is fun
Along with the spills

is for Jesus
The Christ child so dear
We honor his birth
On Christmas each year

is for Kris Kringle
So merrily he stands
He is who they call Santa
In so many lands

is for Lanterns
I am sure that their light
Helped Mary and Joseph
That first Christmas Night

is for Mary
Her heart full of love
For her little son Jesus
Who came from above

is for Noel
The angels did sing
To herald the birth
of Jesus, our King

is for Ornaments
So shining and bright
With lights on the tree
To sparkle at night

is for Packages
With ribbons so gay
All 'round the tree
For our Christmas Day

is for Quiet
Christmas Eve Night
With snow covered hills
Glistening so bright

is for Reindeer
Who pull Santa's sleigh
To your house, to my house
They know the way

is for Shepherds
Who first saw the star
Over Bethlehem's manger
And followed it far

is for Trees
We decorate so gay
Then wait for ole Santa
To hurry our way

is for Universe
Where Christmas brings joy
To all in the world
To each girl and each boy

is for Visiting
Friends near and far
We travel by plane
Or by bus, or by car

is for Wise Men
Who brought gifts so rare
And knelt down and worshiped
The child they found there

is for X-mas
Or Christmas by full name
No matter the language
It all means the same

is for Yule Logs
Whose bright sparks fly high
To give a warm welcome
To friends passing by

is for Zeal
We show at this time
In giving to others
And loving mankind
~Author Unknown~

The music on this site is for your listening pleasure
only and is not available for download. If I'm infringing
on anyone's copyright, please advise and I will remove immediately.

I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them .
Thank you and God Bless

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