~Angel of Christmas~
It’s that special time of year
When the air outside is quite cool
It won’t be long til the holidays are here
And all the children are out of school

I’m sure Santa is gearing up while
The elves are busy making lots of toys
We’ll soon see tiny faces all light up
As they’re bathed in Christmas joy.

Tis the Season of our Lord and Saviour
As we celebrate his time of birth
We must always remember to give thanks
That the Lord sent his son to earth.

And if I were the Angel of Christmas
I’d jump in a sleigh and ride
Or maybe I’d just soar above the earth
With my wings unfurled so wide.

As Santa drops down each chimney
I’d gently hover over each bed
Then I’d whisper softly in every ear
While ole Santa hops back in his sled.

Remember my children what this season’s about
Share with all, the spirit of joy, peace and love
Then I’d hop in my “sleigh”, and off we would go
Being guided not by reindeer, but “doves”.

~Written on November 16th, 2002 by Lynn Kitchene~

Dynamic Drive
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on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
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I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them . Thank you and God Bless
© 2002 Lynangel
