The magic of Christmas is so many things....
A gay wreath of holly, a church bell that rings.

A tree all a-glitter, a candle's soft glow,
And moonlight reflecting on new-fallen snow.

A kitchen's aroma of sugar and spice,
Bright packages wrapped up so pretty and nice.

Red stockings o'er flowing with candy and toys
Are hung by the fireplace for good girls and boys.

The magic of Christmas is found everywhere....
Sweet voices of carolers upon frosted air,

The jingle of sleigh bells across hill and vale,
Glad ring of the postman delivering the mail;

Good friends dropping in and the laughter so gay,
Store windows decked out in delightful display.

Dear Santa Claus chuckling his famed "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
And little tots whispering as Santa bends low.

The magic of Christmas is so many things...
A candlelit church and a choir that sings,

Being together with people we love,
Belief that the Christmas Star still shines above;

The caring and giving and goodwill towards men,
The Christ Child reborn in our hearts again,

Contentment and peace and a faith strong within,
A spirit of love that makes all the world kin.

The magic of Christmas is all this and more,
May your day be merry with much joy in store

And may the bright mem'ries and glow ne'er depart....
The magic of Christmas live on in your heart!

~Written by Beverly J. Anderson~

<BGSOUND SRC="TheNightBeforeChristmasSong.mid" LOOP="-1">

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Thank you and God Bless

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