Sadness in this Season

It is a sad and lonely time
As Christmas Day draws near
Another child has moved away
With the passing of this year.
So many tears these eyes have shed
And be it good or bad
Even with the seasons joys
It tends to make me sad.
First my son so long ago
Now my daughter makes it two
I’d love to keep them close to me
Yet there was nothing I could do.
For as our children they do grow
And in society take their place
The thought of them so far away
Makes my heart just start to race.
So, as Christmas day approaches
I send to each one my love
And may all his wondrous blessings
Rain down on you from above.
And until we can all meet again
I know he’ll somehow see us through
So for now my heart is wishing
To my children, Merry Christmas to you!
Dedicated with love to my children, Teresa and Shane,
To my son-in-law Michael, and to my precious grandchildren,
Breanna and Mason. I love and miss you all!
Written and © Vi-Linda Kitchene
December 7, 2003