~Prayer For A Snowman~
My childhood snowman melted
And ran away somewhere;
Some offered words of comfort,
But me, I said a prayer.
That God would treat him kindly
In the land where snowmen go
When their life's work is finished
With children here below.
I'd loved him, oh, so dearly
For just a little while,
His heart was understanding,
I knew that by his smile.
His charcoal eyes were brilliant
As if he understood,
How much I needed friendship,
He'd stay if he just could.
The sunshine made him sparkle,
Then melted him away,
I thought I heard him whisper,
"Don't cry, we'll meet someday".
For many years I waited,
And now at last I see,
That God has made him perfect.......
In my childhood memory.
~Witten by June Masters Bacher~