Underneath the Tree
The elves are quite busy
For it’s Christmas soon you know
It’s almost time for Santa
To come dashing thru the snow
Up on each of our rooftops
The reindeer they will pause
We all know why that happens
Because of a man named Claus
So we must really behave
Be good little girls and boys
Then under our Christmas tree
We’ll find lots and lots of toys
But know that if you’re naughty
You’ve just sealed your own doom
For there’ll be no presents to open
No wrapping paper strewn round the room.
For Santa always check his list
To see the names written there
So always mind your manners
Be kind to others, learn to share.
Then on Christmas morning
You’ll run and shout with glee
For you’ll have such fun opening
All those presents under the tree.
For Santa will reward you
If you’re always nice and sweet
Then your Christmas morning
Will always be such a treat!
~Written on December 4th 2003~
~~By Vi-Linda Kitchene~~
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