The Little White Church
Starlight illumines the little white church
In a peace-loving valley beside a bright stream.
The steeple cross sparkles with radiant gold
In the light of the stars and a yellow moonbeam.
The magic of singing is heard in the air
Not the grand alleluias of great city choirs,
But the loveliest kind that ascends from the soul
Resounding with sweetness that thrills and inspires.
Peace and contentment steal through the soft light
Into the church and to all that believe
In the virtue of goodness, the power of faith,
In the beauty and sacredness of Christmas Eve.
Help us, dear Father, to build in our hearts
A little white church bathed in tranquil moonlight
Where we may find solace, contentment, and joy
Not only at Christmas but all through the night.
~Author Unknown~

© 1998 Lynangel
